Wolf Vostell

Wolf Vostell


Wolf Vostell (14 October 1932 Leverkusen – 3 April 1998 Berlin) was a German painter and sculptor of the second half of the 20th century. Wolf Vostell is considered one of the early adopters of Video art, Environment, Installation, Happening and the Fluxus Movement. Techniques such as blurring and the Dé-collage are characteristic of his work, as is embedding objects in concrete.

Also appears in

Ticket of No Return

Ticket of No Return


Malpartida Fluxus Village

Malpartida Fluxus Village

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Happening, Kunst, Protest 1968

Happening, Kunst, Protest 1968

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Kunst und Ketchup

Kunst und Ketchup

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Berlinfever – Wolf Vostell

Berlinfever – Wolf Vostell

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